

Pounding the mochi

Verdict: Run

Nakatanidou is a quintessential stop on your trip to Nara, Japan. Watch the experts pound the mochi with giant hammers then try to limit yourself to only one of the finished product. A simple yet addicting confectionary.

Pack of 6 mochi

Type: Confectionary Shop

Location: Nara, Japan

Address: 29 Hashimotocho, Nara, 630-8217, Japan

Line up at the entrance of the stall

Must Try Items: Mochi (yomogi mochi)

Cost: ¥180 each even if you buy multiple mochi. Rice cakes were an average of ¥200

Inside filling of red bean paste


  • The famous mochi are made of Japanese mugwort, filled with azuki bean, and dusted with kinako (roasted and sweetened soybean flour). So simple, yet so good - we initially bought 1 each, then had to go back to buy a pack of 6.

  • Choice to buy the mochi in boxes or by “hand” to deal with the crowds. Helps to deal with the long lines.

  • It’s almost more fun to watch the scramble of tourists trying to get a clear shot of the mochi masters!

  • TIP: Bring cash!

  • Bonus: there’s a separate stand within Nakatanidou that sells multiple flavours of these puffed rice cakes. They were crispy and more filling than the mochi. Blended Seven Spices was the best of the three flavours we tried. Go to this separate counter to purchase (not the one with the mochi).

Another shot of pounding the mochi

Selling mochi

Rice cakes flavoured “Green Lover” and “Lover with Wasabi”

Rice cakes for sale on display




Osaka Kuromon Market